I've used it from time to time (both inside and outside of tidyverse contexts, recently via `rlang::inject()`), and I always feel like I probably *should* be using `do.call()`. If I'm using rlang for something else, are there performance considerations?

I found it easier to remember what !!! did once I started thinking of it as visually tying the input to ... (... with connectors coming off the top, basically). `!!!x` is roughly "dot-dot-dot-ize x" in my head now.

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I like the "dot-dot-dot-ize x" helper, now I can hopefully remember going forward :)

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I've only used !!! in conjunction with syms() inside a function that uses tidy evaluation (i.e dplyr)

eg. f <- function(data, group_cols) { data %>% group_by(!!!syms(group_cols)) %>% ... }

where x is a character vector of 1 or more elements

I didn't know of any other uses until now. Very interesting.

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I often use !!! In shiny, particularly when user have the option to select single or multiple inputs. Quite useful and simple.

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Thanks Hadley, great post! Now that your company name change has many of us trying to learn python (*ducks*) I'd be really curious for your thoughts on how this compares to the use of the 'unpacking operators' * & ** ? I have no idea how the mechanics compare, but I feel like I have struggled more with !!! than with python's unpacking operators. (maybe only because Duncan had already gotten .dots and do.call() patterns into my head for R?).

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Yes, the Python approach seems simpler and more universal

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Instead of do.call(), I prefer purrr::reduce or base::Reduce. Their names seem to indicate more specifically what I'm trying to accomplish. That being said, the implementations are different because Reduce and friends will call the function multiple times.

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I learned about this this week, while working in a shiny app. I have to create a few tab panels and i wanted to do it with functional programming. `tabsetPanel(!!!lapply(c("a", "b"), \(x) tabPanel(x)))`.

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Thank you for this very interesting post! I used !!! several times in packages where I wanted to control a list of variables which should give the right subset and the right order of the final output (an excel file). An external list of variables enters a function of the package and I can filter and reorder the the default list of variables according to it thanks to !!! in the function.

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I use do.call in functions that are mostly wrappers to other functions (from ggplot2, survminer, etc). This makes it ‘easier’ for analysts to change a few arguments or change arguments that are lists for full inner-function when parameterization a standard pipeline that my team delivers for supporting our department.

I use !!! when dynamically creating UI in shiny apps when the list can have varying elements. But I use do.call when I need to also pass arguments.

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*that are lists that are passed to inner-functions

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I use it for shiny applications in combination with pmap and modules, for example multiple ui elements:





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Great summary and context on !!! I have found !!! useful mostly when creating my own functions around various dplyr functions and piped analysis.

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I have used !!! a few times. Like you said, it does feel like magic to me, and in practice I don't find myself using it often. I have been curious about tidy evaluation for some time, but since my job (as an analyst) does not involve writing "software-level" code, I rarely run into a situation where I really need to learn and use tidy evaluation. I think this is a reason why it still feels like magic to me.

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